Monday, April 19, 2010

Training of trainess -T.O.T

NO guns to town training of trainees was held on 6th March 2010 at the Muthruwa Social Hall.

It was organized by Dallas Boxing Boys' Self Help and Welfare Group, Kijiji Cultural House and Rastaurant all located in the Muthruwa Hawker's Market.

The training was facilitated by Seeds for Peace Africa International and conducted by Steven Nyagah.

Among the topics taught and exchanged; were three key emphasized on.

I. Voice(trifurcate).
II.Space(forum and time).
III.Ability to influence(movement of influence not ACTIVISM).

And on a lighter note, how would the elephant in the fridge use all the three to influence you to remove the giraffe? Because he's a tall order.

Article by Small axe Newsletter.
Photo by Bishop

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