Saturday, June 9, 2012

No Guns To Town Concert, 21st June 2012 Jericho Social Hall

All are welcomed for the second circuit of the No Guns To Town Peace and Love Concert, that will be held in Jericho Social Hall near Ofafa Jericho High School, on the 21st June 2012 as from 12 noon to 7:30pm. Come with families and support this effort to rid our neighborhoods of guns and munitions. Every week a youth is gunned down in cold blood by the police for joining armed gangs that terrorize and rob the tenants of the neighborhoods various nooks and crooks. The day will be marked with arts,music,performances and recitation, dance and fashion wares. Come and be part of this celebrations and chanting and speaking out. Your voice is the only missing to reach the message home. Come in peace live in peace leave in love. NO guns to Jericho Town See me out there then.One love.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Too Much Guns All over

Come on and pray with me


Hi Comrade,

We are pleased to send you this invitation to our vibrant, progressive and noble cause. This is a social-political grassroots movement that is aimed at involving all persons in the community across the world. It does not discriminate against gender, race, religion or creed, ONLY GUNS.

No_ Guns_ To_ Town has been in existence since 2007 and has been involved in many activities like live concerts, football fixtures, cook-outs, counseling, feeding programs and petitioning. Our network extends to other towns in Kenya like Mombasa and Eldoret. We have initiated various activities for this year and that’s why we are requesting you to subscribe to our list, so that you can be informed of the on-goings within the movement.

No_Guns_To_Town has on its main agenda, to grind to a halt the effort by the Kenyan Government to introduce nuclear energy by the year 2015. This is unacceptable in our view since the harm outweighs the benefits. No_Guns_To_Town is thus mobilizing all activists for a major peaceful demonstration later this year, the actual date and venue will be communicated to you.

Be involved, Subscribe Now! Also check out our blog site for more information.

More life and increase the Peace,

No_guns_to_town Secretariat

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Picture by Bishop
During a Warriors Ghetto-to-ghetto Peace and Love Concert at Dandora 2008

It saddens and bears heavily on me to convey our heart-felt condolences to Steven Nyagah’s family, friends and fellow activists, after his tragic demise. On behalf of all NO-GUNS-Petitioners and members, we would also like to extend our warmest kindness to Ghetto Film Trust, Koch Fm and Indymedia Kenya where the late worked so tirelessly until his untimely death.

Commonly known as ‘Nyash,’ Nyagah will always remain in the frames of our memories, his praise will be spoken by the lips of many friends and associates alike. In the last decade or so, I have had interaction and cooperated with him he has been the peacemaker, the voice of integration and in most occasions than least, been the joyful company one can wish for.

His contributions towards equal rights and democratic space within the politics of his constituency can only speak volumes if not in volume. His loving family will probably miss him the most, we only pray that they find strength to pass through this trying time.

NO-GUNS-TO-TOWN has lost a visionary leader, an astute facilitator, a dedicated funds mobilizer and most importantly a believer at disarm. Our organization feels robbed of a very valuable and dear person, a confidant and a significant office to our activities. May God rest his soul in immortal peace.

Eulogy by Alex Kanyi
Co-founder of No-guns-to-town