Saturday, June 9, 2012

No Guns To Town Concert, 21st June 2012 Jericho Social Hall

All are welcomed for the second circuit of the No Guns To Town Peace and Love Concert, that will be held in Jericho Social Hall near Ofafa Jericho High School, on the 21st June 2012 as from 12 noon to 7:30pm. Come with families and support this effort to rid our neighborhoods of guns and munitions. Every week a youth is gunned down in cold blood by the police for joining armed gangs that terrorize and rob the tenants of the neighborhoods various nooks and crooks. The day will be marked with arts,music,performances and recitation, dance and fashion wares. Come and be part of this celebrations and chanting and speaking out. Your voice is the only missing to reach the message home. Come in peace live in peace leave in love. NO guns to Jericho Town See me out there then.One love.

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